Archaeologists have confirmed that the I-hsing kilns in Kiangsu province were active by the 12th century. But it was not until the Ming dynasty that their small, unassuming "organic taste" products began to attract the literati's attention. Famous for stoneware teapots and other unglazed vessels in natural earth tones, the highest quality I-hsing ware often bore the signatures and name seals of its makers. This finely detailed water container has been shaped like a lotus bud and was crafted from red, brown, and yellow clays. Its bottom has been imprinted by the square seal of Ming-Yüan, a versatile I-hsing potter famous for his scholar's desk objects fashioned like bamboo, nuts, vegetables, and prunes. The water dropper, an essential implement for the literati, was used to hold water and sprinkle it onto the grinding stone when making ink.

Lotus Bud Waterdropper