Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667
Short Title:
Partie De L'Inde au dela du Gange. Presqu-Isle de l'Inde au dela du Gange
N. Sanson
Publisher Location:
Atlas Map
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2 maps on 1 sheet, copper engraved double page, hand colored in outline, each with decorative cartouche. Map at the left covers Gulf of Bengal region to Southern China, and map at the right extends from Pegu in the north to northern part of Sumatra in the south. Showing boundaries, major cities, towns, villages, rivers, mountains, drainage, etc. Relief shown pictorially.
Pastoreau Sanson IA, IIA, IIIA, VIIA; Phillips 494.
World Area:
Southeast Asia
Full Title:
Partie De L'Inde au dela du Gange : Par le Sr. Sanson d'Abbeville Geographe du Roy. Avec privilege pour 20 Ans. 1652. A. Peyrounin Sculp. Presqu-Isle de l'Inde au dela du Gange : par le Sr. Sanson d'Abb., Geogr. du Roy, Avec privilege pour vingt ans, 1652. (to accompany) L'Asie en plvsievrs cartes novvelles, et exactes ... A Paris, Chez l'Autheur ...
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Engraver or Printer:
Peyrounin, Abraham
Publication Author:
Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667
Pub Date:
Pub Title:
L'Asie en plusieurs cartes nouvelles, et exactes; & en divers traittes de geographie, et d'histoire. La ou sont descripts succinctement, & avec une belle methode, & facile ses empires, ses monarchies, ses estats, &c. les moeurs, les langues, les religions, les richesses de ses peuples, &c. Et ce qu'il y a de plus beau, & de plus rare dans toutes ses parties, & dans ses isles. Par N. Sanson d' Abbeville, Geographe Ordinaire du Roy. A Paris, Chez l'Autheur, dans le cloistre de Sainct Germain l'Auxerrois, joignant la grande porte du cloistre. Avec privilege pour vingt Ans.
Pub Reference:
Pastoreau Sanson IA, IIA, IIIA, VIIA; Phillips 494.
Pub Note:
Atlas of Asia, dedicated to Nicolas Fouquet, 104 pages of explanatory text and 17 folded maps of various Empires, Kingdoms, States, Republics and Islands. Maps based on Jesuit missionary sources, copper engraved double page, hand colored in outline, with decorative cartouches, some engraved by A. Peyrounin. Showing major cities, towns, villages, rivers, mountains, drainage, etc. Relief shown pictorially. This is the second volume of the first edition of Sanson's quarto Atlas, a geographical description of the four continents of the world in four separate volumes, L'Europe, Asie, Afrique, Amerique, each with engraved title page, accompanied by text and folded maps, bound in full brown calf with rich gold decoration and gold title on spine. Published over the period 1648 to 1657, these are the first atlases published by Sanson, a noted French historian and cartographer, the geographer to the French king. Most of the maps were engraved especially for these works and are not reductions of larger previously published maps.
Pub List No:
Pub Type:
Regional Atlas
Pub Maps:
Pub Height cm:
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Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667