Reconnaissance of the harbors of Santa Cruz, San Simeon, Coxo and San Luis Obispo, California. U.S. Coast Survey. A.D. Bache, Superintendent. By the hydrographic party under the command of Lieut. James Alden, U.S. Navy, assistant. 1852. Reduction for engraving by Frs. Herbst and E. Hergesheimer. Outlines and topography engraved by H.C. Evens and Max. F.O. Strobel, lettering by H.M. Knight. (with logo) U.S. Coast Survey Depot.
Reconnaissance of the harbors of Santa Cruz, San Simeon, Coxo and San Luis Obispo, California. U.S. Coast Survey. A.D. Bache, Superintendent. By the hydrographic party under the command of Lieut. James Alden, U.S. Navy, assistant. 1852. Reduction for engraving by Frs. Herbst and E. Hergesheimer. Outlines and topography engraved by H.C. Evens and Max. F.O. Strobel, lettering by H.M. Knight. (with logo) U.S. Coast Survey Depot.
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