Meigs, John R.; United ...
Virginia, Averell route...
Military Atlas
United States. War Depa...
Federal Pt., N.C. Ft. P...
Palfrey, John C.; Unite...
Fort Morgan, Ala.
Morris, Walter J.; Unit...
Stone's River before Mu...
U.S. War Department, To...
Mil. depts. of Wash., P...
Rosecrans, William S.; ...
Battle of Corinth; Iuka...
Abbot, Henry L.; Sigel,...
1st Corps Army of Virgi...
Abbot, Henry L.; Comsto...
Siege of Yorktown.
Matz, Otto H.; United S...
Monterey, Tenn.-Corinth...
Rappahannock R., Chance...
Vorzet, Ed.Dumas; Le Co...
Planche XIII. Environs ...