Luffman, John, 1756-184...
Title Page: Vol. II. Se...
World Atlas
Index: Index to Vol. I
Plate 81 from Vol. 1: T...
Plate 80 from Vol. 1: M...
Plate 79 from Vol. 1: P...
Plate 77 from Vol. 1: P...
Plate 76 from Vol. 1: F...
Plate 75 from Vol. 1: D...
Plate 74 from Vol. 1: M...
Gorog, Demeter, 1760-18...
Posegavarmegye = Comita...
National Atlas
Lipto Varmegye = Comita...
Sir Henry Raeburn
Portrait of Mrs. George...
about 1801 - 1802
The Minneapolis Institu...
Rembrandt Peale
Portrait of Commander L...
1801 - 1802