(Canadian?) Hydrographic
(U.S.) Government Print
A. Brue
A. Fullarton
A. Hoen & Co.
A.J. Johnson.
Aa, Pieter van der, 1659-
Adam & Charles Black
Adam et Giraldon
Alaskan Boundary Tribun
Alison, Archibald, Sir, b
Almon, John, 1737-1805
Ambrosius, E.
American Airlines Inc.
American Geographical Soc
Andreas Atlas Co.
Andreas, A. T. (Alfred Th
Andree, Richard
Andrew B. Graham
Andriveau-Goujon, J.
Antoine, Louis
Antonio Zatta
Anville, Jean Baptiste Bo
Armand Aubree.
Arrowsmith, Aaron
Arrowsmith, John
Associated American Artis
Associated Gas and Electr
Atwood, J.M.
Auguste Logerot
Babson's Statistical Orga
Babson's Statistical Orga
Baldwin, Cradock, and Joy
Baransky, Nikolay Nikolay
Bartholomew, J. G. (John
Bartholomew, J.G.
Bartholomew, John
Bartholomew, John, 1831-1
Baskin, Forster & Co.
Baskin, Forster and Compa
Baskin, Forster Co.
Bayer, Herbert
Behrens, W.
Belknap and Hamersley
Berghaus, Heinrich
Berghaus, Heinrich, 1797-
Berghaus, Hermann
Bibliographische Institut
Bibliographische Institut
Bibliographischen Institu
Binghamton Gas Works
Bizet, A.
Black, Adam & Charles
Bludau, A.
Blue, Ed
Blunt, Edmund M. (Edmund
Bonne, R.
Bonne, Rigobert
Bonne, Rigobert, 1727-179
Bonne, Rigobert, 1727-179
Bory de Saint-Vincent, M.
Bouchette, Joseph
Bourquin, D.L.
Bourquin, F.
Bourquin, Frederick
Bowen, Emanuel
Boynton, G. W.
Brion de La Tour, Louis,
British Admiralty
British North America-U.S
Brue, Adrien Hubert, 1786
Buache, J.N.
Buchan, Alexander
Buffalo commercial advert
Burland Lithographic Co.
Burroughs, H. N.
C. Muller
C. Picquet
C. Poppey jun.
C.F. Delamarche
C.G. Luderitz
C.P. Wayne
C.R. Chisholm & Bros.
C.S. Hammond & Co.
C.S. Hammond & Company. L
Cadell and Davies
Calcogr. Camerale
Campbell, A.
Campbell, Archibald
Campbell, R.A.
Canada Gas and Electric C
Canada Government Railway
Canada. Department of Int
Canada. Department of Min
Canadian Boundary Commiss
Canadian Department of Ra
Canadian Pacific
Carl Flemming
Carnegie Institution of W
Case, Tiffany & Co.
Cassini, Gio. Ma. (Giovan
Caylus, Anne Claude Phili
Chalifour, J.E.
Chapman & Hall
Chapman and Hall
Charles Desilver
Charles Desilver.
Chas. Shober & Co.
Chatelain Henri, 1684-174
Cheysson, Émile
Chez l'Auteur
Chez Lattre
Chez Pierre Mortier
Chez Pierre Van der Aa
Chicago Lithographing Co.
Chicago, Burlington & Qui
Chisholm, C.R.
Clason Map Company
Cloistre de S Nicolas du
Clouet, J. B. L. (Jean-Ba
Collingwood Schreiber
Collins, T.K. & P.G.
Colton's Geographical Est
Colton, G. Woolworth
Colton, G.W.
Colton, G.W. & C.B.
Colton, J. H.
Colton, J.H.
Container Corporation of
Covarrubias, Miguel (1904
Covens & Mortier
Covens et Mortier
Cumming, J.
Dagelet, Joseph Lepaute
Dangerfield Lith.
Davison, Thomas
Dawson Brothers
Dawson, Wm. Bell
Delafosse, Jean Baptiste,
Delahaye, Guillaume, 1725
Delamarche, Charles Franc
Dentu, Imprimeur-Libraire
Department of Interior
Des Barres, Joseph F. W.
Desbuissons, L.E.
Desmarest, Nicolas, 1725-
Desnos, Louis Charles
Desnos, Louis-Charles
Dinsmore & Co.
Dinsmore & Company
Direction & Administratio
Drake, Ira S.
Drioux, Claude-Joseph
Dripps, Matthew
Dufour, F.
Dumas-Vorzet, Er.
Dunaeva, V.V.
Dussieux, L.
Duval, Henri
E. & G.W. Blunt (Firm)
E. & G.W. Blunt.
E.F. Woodward
Eberhardt, H.
Edinburgh Geographical In
Edmonds, A.M.
Edward Stanford
Ely, G.
Emmons, G.T.
Endlich, M.
Eugene Belin
Evans, Lewis, 1700?-1756
Eymery Fruger et Cie
F.M. Thorn
Faden, William, 1749-1836
Faden, William, 1750?-183
Fagan, J.
Fagan, John
Fagan, John.
Fenner, Sears & Co.
Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-172
Fielding Lucas
Fisher, Richard Swainson
Fisk & Russell
Francois Delarue, Bulla F
Fremin, A.R.
Freres Chatelain
Fullback Academy
G. Robinson
G.G. & J. Robinson
G.G. & J. Robinson.
G.W. & C.B. Colton & Co.
G.W. & C.B. Colton.
G.Woolworth Colton
Gallatin, Albert
Gamble, W.H.
Garnier, F. A., 1803-1863
Garside, G.W.
Gastaldi, Giacomo
Gaylord Watson
Genest, F.X.
Geo. B. Whittaker
Geographisches Institut (
George F. Cram Company
George Philip & Son
George Westermann.
Gibson, John
Gioan. Baptista Pedrezano
Gist, Christopher, d. 175
Gottfr. Rogg
Government Printing Off
Graf, Carl
Grand Trunk Pacific Railw
Grand Trunk Railway Compa
Gravelot, Hubert Francois
Great Western Railway Com
Greenhow, Robert
Grenet, Abbe
Grenier, L., engraver
Grigorovich, Alexander S.
Gueudeville, Nicolas
Guillaume De L'Isle, Quai
Guillaume De L'Isle, Quai
Guyot, A.
H. Starnes
H.S. Tanner & Co.
Habenicht, H.
Hall, Sidney
Hamilton, John
Handtke, Friedrich, 1815-
Harrington, M.W.
Harrison, D. R.
Harry King
Heath, sculp.
Hebert, L.
Henry Hansard
Henry hansard
Henry Howard Pranter
Henry King
Henry Tanner
Henry, A.J.
Herbert, L., Senior
Herbertson, A.J.
Hewitt, N.R.
Heywood, A.
Higgins, Belden & Co.
Himberg, C. F.
Hinton, Isaac Taylor, 179
Hinton, John Howard
Holgate, Jerome B., 1812-
Houbloup, L.
Houghton Mifflin Co.
Hubner, F.
Hudson's Bay Company
Hughes, William
Hunter, Jos.
Huntington, Nathaniel G.
Hydrographic Department,
I.E. Lange
Imprimerie de Casimir
Imprimie Nationale
Imray, James
Institut Geographique de
Instituto Geografico di A
Ivanitsky, Ivan P.
J. & C. Walker
J. & G. Menzies
J. Andriveau-Goujon
J. Claye
J. Conrad
J. Edwards
J. Newberry
J.B. Holgate
J.B.B. D'Anville.
J.G. Bartholomew
J.H. Colton
J.H. Colton.
J.T. Lloyd
Jacques Lecoffre et Comp.
Jaillot, Alexis Hubert, 1
James Imray and Son
James MacLeod and Francis
James T. Lloyd
James Wyld
Jean-Leonard Pellet
Jefferys, Thomas
John Almon
John and Tho. Bowles
John Arrowsmith
John Bartholomew & Co.
John Bartholomew & Son LT
John Bartholomew and Son
John Cumming
John Hamilton
John Senex
John Thomson
John Y. Huber & Co.
John Y. Huber Company
Johnson, A.J.
Johnson, E.V.
Johnston, Alexander Keith
Johnston, Alexander Keith
Johnston, J.
Johnston, T.B.
Julius Bien
Julius Bien & Co.
Jungk, G.
Justus Perthes
Kamenetsky, Vladimir Alex
Kehr, O.
Kensett, T.
Ketterer, W.
Kiepert, H.
Kiepert, Heinrich, 1818-1
Kininger, Vinzenz Georg
Kitchin, Thomas
Klein, H.J.
Klinckowstrom, Axel Leonh
Knowles Hare, J.
Kocher, R.
Kraatz, Leopold
Kuhn, E.
L'Honore & Chatelai
L'Imprimerie de la Republ
L'Isle, Guillaume de, 167
L. Houbloup
La Perouse, Jean-Francois
Lange, Henry
Lange, Henry, 1821-1893.
Lange, I. E.
Lapie, Alexandre Emile
Lapie, M. (Pierre), 1779-
Lapie, Pierre
Lapie, Pierre, M. 1779-18
Lattre & Delalain
Lattre, Jean
Lattre, Jean, 1743 -1793
Laurie & Whittle
Lefevre, F.
Leroy, Charles
Levasseur, E.
Lewis, S.
Lewis, Samuel
Lippincott, Grambo & Co.
Lissitsky, Lazar M.
Lissitzky, Lazar M.
Lizars, Daniel
Lizars, W.H.
Lloyd, J. T.
Lloyd, J.T.
Lloyd, James T.
London : William Blackwoo
London Geographical Insti
Longman & Co.,
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orm
Lothian, John
Louis-Charles Desnos
Loven, C.E.
Lowry, J.W.
Lowry, Joseph Wilson
Lucas, Fielding Jr.
M. Dripps
M. Rhein
Macomb, J.N
Maedel, Karl Joseph, 1823
Magimel, Anselin, et Poch
Maktab Tabiat Matbaasi
Marshall, John
Matthaeus Seutter
Mattioli, Pietro Andrea,
McLellan, D.
Mea, P.
Meḥmed Remzi
Melish, John
Metzeroth, C.
Meyer, Herrmann Julius, 1
Migeon, J.
Ministere des Travaux Pub
Mitchell, John
Mitchell, S. Augustus
Mitchell, Samuel Augustu
Mitchell, Samuel Augustus
Mohun, Edward
Moll, Herman, d. 1732
Mondhare et Jean
Monin, C.V.
Montemont, A.
Moore, Willis L.
Mortier, Pierre
Muller, C.
Nathan Nirenstein
Neele, Samuel John, 1758-
Neele, sculp.
New England Gas Associati
New England Railway Publi
Nichols, Beach
Nichols, H.E.
Nirenstein, Nathan
No Publisher
No publisher.
Olgilvie, Wm.
Orr, J.W.
P. C. Lehuby
P. Santini
P.-A. Bourdier et Cie.
Palblad & Co.
Palmer, William, 1766-180
Panhandle Power & Light C
Paullin, Charles O.
Pedrezano, Giovanbattista
Pelton, C.
Pendleton's Lithography
Perkins & Heath
Peter, B.
Petermann, August
Peterson, Augusts
Petroof, Ivan
Philip H. Nicklin.
Philip, George
Philip, Son & Nephew
Philip, Son & Nephew, Ltd
Picquet, C.
Pinkerton, John, 1758-182
Podgornova, Valentina M.
Pomeroy & Co.
Pomeroy, Whitman & Co.
Ponheimer, Kilian
Poole Bros.
Poole Bros. Inc.
Poppey, C.
Pownall, Thomas, 1722-180
Presso Antonio Zatta, e F
Ptolemy, Claudius
Pullman Company
R.A. Campbell
Racon, Simon et Comp.
Ragan, Leslie
Rand Avery Supply Co.
Rand McNally
Rand McNally & Co.
Rand McNally and Co.
Rand McNally and Company
Ravenstein, Ludwig
Raynal, G.T.
Reed & Barber
Reilly'sches Landkarten u
Reilly, Franz Johann Jose
Rein, Melchior
Risch, M.
Robert Laurie & James Whi
Robert Sayer
Roberts, Edwd. (Edward),
Rogers, Henry Darwin
Rogg, Gottfried, 1669-174
Rufus Blanchard
Ruhle von Lilienstern, Au
Russian Admiralty
S. Arrowsmith
S. Augustus Mitchell.
S.A. Mitchell
S.A. Mitchell Jr.
S.A. Mitchell, Jr.
Sampson Low, Son & Co.
San Antonio Public Servic
Sanson, Guillaume (1633-1
Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-166
Sautin, Ivan V.
Schonberg & Co.
Schutz, Karl
Scientific Publishing Ins
Scobel, Albert
Scott, Robert N.
Secretary of War
Selwyn, Alfred R.C.
Senex, John (c.1678-1740)
Seutter, Matthaeus, 1678-
Shallus, Francis
Sharpe, J.
Shell Oil Company
Shelton & Kensett
Shelton, W.
Shelton, W.; Kensett, T.
Sherman & Smith
Sherman and Smith
Sherman, Geo. E.
Silishchensky, Mitrofan I
Simon, O.
Simpkin & Marshall
Simpkin, Marshall & Co.
Simpson, George
Smith & Peters.
Smith, J. Calvin
Smith, L.
Society for the Diffusion
Sohr, Karl
Sonnet, L.
Sovetskaya Entsiklopediya
Stanford, Edward
State Farm Insurance Com
Stieler, Adolf
Stieler, Adolf, 1775–1836
Story & Atwood
Story & Atwood.
Stulpnagel, Fr. v.
Stulpnagel, Friedrich von
T. Sinclair & Son
Taber, W. C.
Tache, J.
Tait, William
Tanner, Benjamin, 1775-18
Tanner, H.S.
Tanner, Henry S.
Tardieu, Pierre
Taylor, Bill
Tenney, R.A.
Testard, A.
Thayer, Bridgman & Fannin
The Office of The Times
The Times
The University Press
Theinert, A.
Thomas & Andrews
Thomas Jefferys
Thomas Wardle
Thomson, John
Thos. Bowles and John Bow
Times (London, England)
Trailways Bus System
Tunis, W.E.
Turner, James, d. 1759
Twining, W.J.
U.S. Coast and Geodetic S
U.S. Coast Survey
U.S. North West Boundary
U.S. Northern Boundary C
Umbreit, E.
Union Atlas Co.
United Light & Power Comp
United States Survey Comp
Van Loon
Vancouver, George
Vancouver, George, 1757-1
Velhagen & Klasing
Veuve Agasse
Veuve Jules Renouard, Lib
Vilpou, A.
Von Langsdorff, G.H.
Vuillemin, Alexandre
W. & A.K. Johnston Limite
W. Curry, Jun. & Co.
W.E. Tunis
Wadsworth, A. S. (Alex. S
Wagner, A.
Walch, Joh.
Walker, J.
Walling, H. F.
Walter, T.U.
Wardle, Thomas
Warner & Beers
Warner, W.H.
Watson, Gaylord
Weiler, Wilhelm
Weiler, Will
Weimar Geo Inst.
Weimar Geographisches Ins
Wheary Trunk Company
Whitney-Graham Co.
Whitney-Graham Company, I
Whittaker, Treacher & Arn
Whittaker, Treacher & Co.
Whittaker, Treacher, & Co
William Blackwood & Sons
William Clowes & Son Ltd.
William Faden
William Innys [et al.]
Williams W.
Williams, W.
Williams, W. (Wellington)
Williams, W.G.
Williams, Wellington
Wm. Faden
Wm. Jas. Hamersley
Wm. M. Bradley & Bro.
Wm. M. Bradley & Bros.
Woodbridge, William C.
Worley & Bracher
Wright, John K.
Wyld, James, 1790-1836
Wyld, James, 1812-1887
Zatta, Antonio
Zatta, Antonio, active 17
Ziegler & McCurdy
Zuliani, G.
Zuliani, Giuliano
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Images of Canada and United States
[Reilly, Franz Johann Joseph von (1766-1820), Kininger, Vinzenz Georg]
Moll, Herman, d. 1732
[Geographisches Institut (Weimar, Germany), Kiepert, H.]
Geographisches Institut (Weimar, Germany)
[Geographisches Institut (Weimar, Germany), Kiepert, H., Arnd]
New England Railway Publishing Company
[Hinton, Isaac Taylor, 1799-1847, Simpkin & Marshall]
Covarrubias, Miguel (1904 - 1957)
[Seutter, Matthaeus, 1678-1756, Rogg, Gottfried, 1669-1742]
Wheary Trunk Company
Mitchell, Samuel Augustus
[Geographisches Institut (Weimar, Germany), Graf, Carl]
Bibliographische Institut
[Rand McNally and Company, State Farm Insurance Companies Travel Bureau]
[Drioux, Claude-Joseph, Leroy, Charles]
[Blunt, Edmund M. (Edmund March), 1770-1862, Des Barres, Joseph F. W. (Joseph Frederick Wallet), 1722-1824, Taber, W. C., Wadsworth, A. S. (Alex. S.)]
Mitchell, Samuel Augustus Jr.
[Andree, Richard, Times (London, England)]
[Andree, Richard, Times (London, England)]
[Raynal, G.T., Bonne, R.]
[Canada. Department of Interior, Chalifour, J.E.]
Faden, William, 1750?-1836
[Paullin, Charles O., Wright, John K.]
[Paullin, Charles O., Wright, John K.]
[Paullin, Charles O., Wright, John K.]
[Paullin, Charles O., Wright, John K.]
[Paullin, Charles O., Wright, John K.]
[Paullin, Charles O., Wright, John K.]
[Paullin, Charles O., Wright, John K.]
[Paullin, Charles O., Wright, John K.]
[Geographisches Institut (Weimar, Germany), Kiepert, Heinrich, 1818-1899]
[Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871, Rogers, Henry Darwin]
Mitchell, Samuel Augustus
Mitchell, Samuel Augustus
Mitchell, Samuel Augustus
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company
Great Western Railway Company (Canada)
Great Western Railway Company (Canada)
Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada
Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada
Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada
Great Western Railway Company (Canada)
[Andree, Richard, Scobel, Albert]
[Andree, Richard, Scobel, Albert]